
Open and collaborative, VOICES OF WOMEN welcomes all women writers to take part. We are committed to community engagement, as each event invites the writing community in open competitions to submit short pieces that will be performed.

Since 2018 we have performed and published new voices, and strongly support First Nations women’s voices, diverse communities and the mainstream, from progressive viewpoints, both experimental and unusual. Overall we encourage writing and performance that engages, speaks out, and is inclusive.

The written pieces for VOICES OF WOMEN are distinguished by characteristics that are immediate, creative and innovative.

VOICES OF WOMEN is about short stories – a maximum of three minutes in performance. The preference is for stories in the first person point of view – monologues, narratives, soliloquy. Dialogue and duologues can be part of that.

The stories are themed for each event and come from women all over Australia and internationally as we develop collaborations in the USA.

Interested in submitting your story? Would you like to take part in a workshop?

Stay in touch by SUBSCRIBING to our newsletter for the next opportunity for writers.