Brenda Saunders’ Nan lived in a tiny workers cottage next to the boot factory near Redfern Station in Sydney. Perplexed by the twists and turns of family life, the ties that seemed to grow more complicated year by year, she learnt her Nan was part of the Stolen Generation, constantly looking for family members, with a tangle of knots too sad or too hard to undo.
A Voices of Women Production
Produced by Lliane Clarke, Kaye Tuckerman, Sally Paridis, Laura Patinkin, Otgadahe Whitman-Fox
Directed by Lliane Clarke
Written and performed by Brenda Saunders
Director of Photography Clare Hawley
Edited by Clare Hawley
Music composed by Elizabeth Jigalin
Elizabeth Jigalin piano, Christina Leonard saxophone, Danica Hobden guitar
Music recorded by Ruari Campbell / Moonvault Studios
Sound mixing by Camilo Mejia
Colour grade by Gerize