Sharing stories makes the world a better place, brings us together to make sense of our world, support each other and discover who we really are, while deepening our understanding of others. 

Our mission is to empower women in a safe and supportive space to share their unique stories and connect with their inner creative selves, tapping into and discovering their full potential. By connecting with others, we build resilience and capacity, while inspiring understanding, empathy and tolerance.

Your donation will help us to mentor women and allow their voices to be heard – to write, create and speak out. It goes directly to workshops, artists fees, tour costs, live shows, podcasts and digital costs. 

Your tax-deductible donation will directly make a different to women across Australia and the world. You will support women to tell their story, and encourage them to develop ideas and confidence in who they are and what they can become.


Make a tax-deductible donation direct to the Voices of Women Public Fund
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 194 307 526


Encouraging women to come forward and share their voice: over 1000 women have created and submitted stories since we started in 2018.

Acknowledging and celebrating diversity: We are committed to celebrating women of all ages, with First Nations women at the heart, women from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, female-identifying and women from LGBTQI+ community.

Developing self esteem, confidence and identity: We mentor women through workshops to learn new skills and be empowered to share their story and connect with others. When they see their own stories shared their life experience is not only acknowledged but respected and valued.

Facilitating collaboration: We work together openly and transparently – with arts organisations, local councils, writers groups, drama and film groups, health and cultural centres, and creative hubs.

Building a community: This program brings diverse people together through events and workshops to celebrate the ways we can connect through our differences.

Empowering through creativity: Multi-layered, experimental. We perform new voices, from minority communities, the mainstream and progressive viewpoints. This is writing and performance that engages, speaks out and is inclusive.

We have been supported by Australian local government, Australian Government, arts centres, writing organisations, arts organisations and international partners.

The Voices of Women Incorporated Public Fund is a tax-deductible fund listed on the Register of Cultural Organisations under Subdivision 30-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997